I'll kick things off with a review of a beer called Ransack The Universe, brought to you by Collective Arts Brewing in Hamilton, Ontario.
This brew is unfiltered, a light gold colour, and lightly carbonated. It's a hardy 6.8% alcohol, so be aware that these babies will pack a punch. I like the how it looks in the glass. now let's see how it tastes.
My first taste; It's fruity...citrus, maybe? The hops are not overpowering, but definitely present. Bit of a bitter aftertaste, but overall, it's light and pretty good.
My Rating: 7/10.
I like this beer. It's light, it's refreshing, and it would be a great patio beer on a hot summer day. I'm thinking some spicy wings, maybe a Caesar salad, and a couple of these beers would make for a pretty good day.
The 6.8% strength of this beer and its easy drinkability has the potential to lead some hilarious drunken adventures and embarrassing mishaps, so please drink responsibly. Or even better, don't be a buzzkill and have a little fun. Who doesn't love drinking stories? No one ever makes memories with moderation!
I always give my wife the second sip, and she gives me her first and only impression. For the record, she doesn't like beer very much, so take her assessment as one lady's opinion.
Wife Rating; 6/10.
That says a lot, really. I've had a beer or two over the years that wouldn't even get a number from the missus, so this is a good beer!
Collective Arts Brewing is located in sunny Hamilton, Ontario and can be reached at collectiveartsbrewing.com