Hello there, you glorious specimen of humanity. Welcome to Beers and Such, the home of craft beer reviews and other things brought to by our sponsor; me. Special thanks to me for making all this happen and for being here when I was needed. I'll never forget me.
Today I am going to drink a Shindig Huron County Lager crafted down the road from me in the bustling town(?) of Blyth, Ontario. It's very very light colour and 4.2% give me all sorts of confidence that a lightweight like me could drink these all night, no problem. It's about as non-threatening as a beer could be by the look of it.
As you may have heard, looks can be deceiving, so I probably shouldn't get ahead of myself. Let's have a drink and see what the fine folks of Blyth have put together for us, the discerning beer drinkers of the world.
Well that there is a light beer. Back in the day when I thought being manly meant drinking 5% beer and over, I would have made fun of me for wearing a skirt and drinking this beer. Nowadays, I don't care about that kind of stuff and I wear a skirt because I look good in them.
But really, it is a very light tasting beer, and after a few months of IPA's. stouts and porters, this beer is down right watery. That's not to say it's bad. I don't think a beer can be this easy to drink and this refreshing and be considered a bad beer. On a sticky 450 degree summer day when the grass just has to be cut and the driveway just has to be sealed, this is the beer you want to grab when your wife lets you rest for a minute or two.
Another benefit of a nice light beer is that the chances of spending the day after a Shindig binge praying for forgiveness from the porcelain gods is pretty low compared to some of the other beers on this blog. In all honesty, I would probably still be hurting after a night of these, but that's because I don't bounce back like I used to.
A beer like this one is pretty easy going, so serve it in a standard pint glass and you'll be fine.
My rating: 7/10. It's good, but it's kind of pedestrian.
My lovely wife is my second sipper and she's pretty happy to not have to choke down some abomination in a pint glass for my benefit.
My wife's rating: 5/10. That's a big number coming from her, so hats off to the Cowbell Brewing Company.
There you have it, friends. Shindig Huron County Lager by the fine folks at Cowbell Brewing Company in Blyth, Ontario will remind you to take a break from the heavy stuff and lighten up a bit now and then. Don't we all need to lighten up a bit now and then?
Check out cowbellbrewing.com for more of what Blythian brewmasters have to offer.