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Today I'm going to give Juiced Up New England Pale Ale by Beau's Brewing Co over in Vankleek Hill, Ontario. I'm going to come right out and say this now: I'm torn on this one. Beau's makes damn fine brew, one has even been reviewed on this blog. However, so far I'm not a fan of New England Pale Ales.
I don't know how this is going to go, but that's the fun of it, right?
This beer is light as far as percentage goes at 4.5%, it's light in colour and carbonation, too. It definitely smells like a NEPA, very hoppy. It's also certified organic for all those folks out there that find value in that.
Let's get to drinking this beverage, shall we?
I think I know what dank and juicy means now. Damn, that's a hoppy beer. Very hop forward initially, clean in the middle which is a bit surprising to me with that introduction, and a bitter aftertaste. There's a bit of a tinge in the back of the throat that isn't exactly pleasant, but it's not that bad.
I think as far as NEPA's go, this one is pretty good. Congrats to Beau's for taming a gnarly beast from New England. It's head and shoulders above some of the other one's I've tried. I might even go so far as to say I like this beer.
If you're a NEPA drinking person, this is a pretty good one. You could do a lot worse, if that's an endorsement.
This isn't an easy drinking sitting around watching the game kind of beer in my books. It's more of a sit around with some other discerning beer drinking folks and really dig into this one. This beer isn't just for drinking, it's also a discussion point. Take some time with this one.
My rating: 7/10. It's good for a New England Pale Ale
My lovely wife is my dutiful second sipper, and she hates your run of the mill IPA, so I'm a bit shocked at her score for this one.
My wife's rating: 5.5/10. That's a huge rating from her.
There you have it friends. Juiced Up New England Pale Ale by Beau's Brewing Co in Vankleek Hill, Ontario is surprisingly good for a New England Pale Ale. The folks at Beau's have done the impossible and made NEPA I can gladly endorse. Check out beaus.ca for more of the fine work being done in Vankleek.