Greeting Comrades. I am excited for this brew, folks. I love me some stouts, and this one fits the bill perfectly. This is Imperial Russian Stout by Wellington Brewery in Guelph, Ontario. It's black; like super black. There's next to nothing as far as carbonation is concerned, but it's a whopping 8% alcohol. Be careful with this one, folks.
Now for the all important taste.
Good lord, that's delicious. Man! It's dark and rich, with a strong toasted malt flavour and a hint of chocolate and coffee. More so the coffee, I think. The flavours are full and bold, and if you're the kind of person that likes full bodied stouts, you're going to love this beer. If you're more on the pilsner side of the beer spectrum, you may want to steer yourself in another direction.
I love black beers, and I love this one. Personally, I could see myself sitting around with the boys playing some poker, eating something that used to be a cow, and having a great time. It's a damn fine brew.
According to the can, the brewers themselves recommend drinking this stout from a snifter. That's a first for me, and though I'm not going to argue with the makers of this beer, I feel like a stout glass would also be a fitting vessel for this fine brew.
My rating: 10/10 I really like this beer.
As you may know by now, my lovely wife is my second sipper. She doesn't like stouts. She doesn't like stouts the way dogs don't like mailmen. You get the idea.
My wife's rating: 1/10
There you have it, friends. Imperial Russian Stout by Wellington Brewery in Guelph, Ontario is a delightful black beer that I highly and gladly recommend to anyone that likes stouts. Check out what else Wellington Brewery has in store at