Welcome to Beers and Such, the craft beer review site that reviews craft beers, and not much of the such so far. Sit back and relax and let me do all the grueling work of drinking beer and then telling you about it. How's that for a good deal?
Today, I'm continuing with some beers shipped to me from Halifax by the man, the legend, Halifax Neil. If you haven't checked out my last post, that was the first and this is the second of four east coast brews I have the pleasure of trying in person.
This little beauty is Hoppy Fingers American Pale Ale created and brewed by Unfiltered Brewing Co in Halifax, Nova Scotia. It's 4.8%, so technically "light", but as for the colour...I've never seen this colour before, and being colourbind, I don't stand a chance guessing what colour this is. I leave it to you to decide for yourself.
Much like yesterday's offering from Unfiltered, the plain silver can is eye catching in its simplicity, and I like it. I can smell the hops in this beer, but I don't smell the foreboding bitterness of Exile on North Street, so that's good.
I will say they mystery colour is off-putting to say the least. Let's see what it tastes like.
Wow. That's good. I really like this one. The hops are easy going and to honest, I can't even nail down where I taste them. It's weird; there's a very very light hop taste for about a second, then it goes to a bitter taste, but that's also fleeting, and it finishes clean as clean can be. There's a bit of an aftertaste, but it's not strong, and it's actually pretty good.
This is a craft beer for people that don't like craft beer. It's a craft beer for people that do like craft beer, too, just to be clear. It's very light and easy to drink, and I can see a guy getting right sideways if the situation allowed it. It's really good and the smooth drinkability lends itself to drunken shenanigans quite readily.
I will refrain from such shenanigans for the rest of this review, and the location of Unfiltered being a couple thousand kilometers away promises to make me an honest man. This time...
My rating: 9/10. I really like this beer and I think it will be a hit with anyone that likes craft beers.
My wife is AOL. She may have retired from second sipping. C'est la vie.
There you have it, friends. Hoppy Fingers American Pale Ale by the folks at Unfiltered Brewing Co in Halifax, Nova Scotia is a really good beer. Get on the Unfiltered website at unfuckingfiltered.com and get you some of this beer.