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Writer's pictureketotheburrito

Freakshow Crush Hazy IPA by Flying Monkeys Craft Brewery

Welcome to Beers and Such, the craft beer review site that does 50% of what it promises in the title, beer reviews. This blog has been going for longer than anyone thought it would and I take that a personal victory. I'm glad you could make it here for a quick read.

Today, I'm going to take in a little Freakshow Crush Hazy IPA by Flying Monkeys Craft Brewery in Barrie, Ontario. I've done a few reviews of Flying Monkeys fine brews, and I'm not afraid to tell you I buy them because the cans are so much fun to look at. The beer is usually pretty good, too.

This beer is a hefty 6.3% and as the name would suggest, it's hazy because it's unfiltered. It has a citrus aroma, and it's got me thinking it's going to be very hop forward in a face punching sort of way. I have been fooled before, so I can't make any bold claims until the almighty taste test.

Speaking of which...

Do I gots the Rona? There's almost no hoppy flavour in the opening. They do show up in the middle, but not in any really over bearing way, and there is a strong bitter finish that lingers in the back of the throat. It's surprising that the hops are less prevalent than I expected.

That is to say I've been fooled again! Damn you, Flying Monkeys!

But seriously, it's not what I expected from the aroma. It's better. I like some hops in my IPAs, but I have had a few that are way over done. This isn't one of them. I find the bitterness is a bit heavy, especially with such a light touch on the hop flavours. All in all, I like this beer despite its weirdness.

And I really can't say I expected anything less from Flying Monkeys; they are experts at weird.

As I progress through the beer, I'm finding the hops are becoming more pronounced. Maybe the Rona is wearing off and I can taste again? Who knows these days. As the hops make themselves known, I'm happy they decided to make an appearance. They are still pretty mild, but I am definitely tasting them more.

My rating: 7.5/10. I like the beer, but the bitterness is overdone for my liking.

My lovely wife is my second sipper, and for the record, this fine lady hates IPAs. Just hates them.

My wife's rating: 4/10. I can't believe it either. I thought for sure she would hate this one, but 4/10 is a pretty high score for an IPA from her. Pat yourselves on the back, Monkeys.

There you have it friends. Freakshow Crush Hazy IPA by Flying Monkeys Craft Brewery in glorious Barrie, Ontario is an odd brew, but definitely worth a try. Check out what else these maniacs have been up to at

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