Hello and welcome to Beers and Such, the craft beer review blog that reviews craft beers as promised, but very little else. I am your host, an average guy that saw all the cool looking cans on the shelf of my local liquor store and decided to take the plunge into the craft beer market. It's a journey of discovery, and you can come along and see the wonders of craft beer with me.

Today I have to send a HUGE shout out to Neil in Halifax for sending me some new beers all the way from Halifax to my front door. The next four reviews, counting this one, are all courtesy of the fine brewers of Halifax, and my friend and craft beer aficionado Halifax Neil.
Up first is Exile on North Street by Unfiltered Brewing Co in Halifax, Nova Scotia. As you can see from the picture, this brewery lets the beer do the talking and doesn't try to grab your attention with a flashy can design. Naturally, that grabs your attention as the simplicity stands out in a busy, splashy world.
True to their name, this beer is unfiltered, it's strong at 6.5%, and it's aroma screams hop overdose. I can detect tropical scents, and I can almost smell the bitter finish without even tasting it. I am a little nervous about these hops kicking me in the face and saying unkind things about my mother.
Well, let's see what this unassuming brew has to offer.
How very interesting...First, the hops are very friendly and wanted to let me know that my mom is a nice lady and they hope she's doing well. The initial flavour is mild hops, not overpowering at all. Next it goes right to the bitterness that I expected it to finish with, but I was mistaken. The finish is clean, taking a bit of the bitterness with it, but not really adding any flavour of its own.
The bitterness is a bit clingy, and overall it's not what I expected at all. The initial light hoppy flavours are a pleasant surprise, but they are railroaded by the bitter middle stanza and that bitterness runs right through the finish. It's like when you go out for a few pops with that couple that always get into huge fights when they drink. It kinda puts a damper on the whole affair.
All in all, I can see myself sitting down with a couple of fellas to sample some new beers, but not committing to over consumption of this one. My glass would probably have some left in it when I moved on to the next one.
My rating: 5.5/10. For me, the bitter flavour is very self important and overshadows what would have been a good time.
My wife is out of commission again, so my rating is the only one for this beer. I can say with total confidence she would have hated this beer. She doesn't like the bitter flavour in IPA's as it is.
There you have it, friends. Exile on North Street by Unfiltered Brewing in Halifax, Nova Scotia is a bitter overload on a nice hoppy foundation. Check out more of the offerings from Unfiltered at their awesomely named website unfuckingfiltered.com and right here on beersandsuch.com for one more brew in the next post.
Special thanks again to Halifax Neil for his ongoing contributions to this blog.