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Writer's pictureketotheburrito

Charcoal Porter by Innocente Brewing Company

I am excited to tell you about this beer. I like porters and stouts as it is, but I saw this one at my local LCBO, and I couldn't wait to get into it.

So here goes.

Charcoal Porter by Innocente Brewing Company is made in Waterloo, Ontario. As a porter should be, this beverage is black as all get out and it's a thing of beauty. It's like black happy in a glass. I even like the can. The label is classy, and it's textured.

Now for the best part (hopefully); the taste test.

Ahhhh. That's delicious. It's smooth as can be, tastes like gold, and finishes with a coffee flavour that makes me smile. It's so good. At 5.1%, a guy can drink a few of these on a chilly fall evening and feel like a million bucks. Throw a steak on the grill, pour a pint and love life.

My rating: 10/10

It's really good. Really.

My wife is my second sipper, and I can't believe her response to this beer. Typically she doesn't like beer, and historically black beer is not her thing, but she double sipped and gave it a big thumbs up.

My wife's rating 8/10.

That's an unbelievable rating from her. I'm surprised by it and delighted because now we can have more of this beer around the ol' homestead.

There we have it, friends. Charcoal Porter by Innocente Brewing Company out of Waterloo, Ontario is fantastic. I recommend it over and over. Head over to to see their other brews and learn more about this brewery.

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